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I/We hereby understand and acknowledge that the personal training, group classes, gym equipment, programs, treatments and events held by, administered, written, endorsed, discussed, and/or recommended by URBAN BASE FITNESS, located at 2 / 24 OAKDALE RD, GATESHEAD 2290 NSW or any of its agents, including owner ERIN WILSON may expose me to many inherent risks, including accidents, injury, illness, or even death. I/We assume all risk of injuries associated with such participation with the personal training, group classes (both indoor and outdoor), treatments, and with any exercises at the gym, including, but not limited to, falls, stretches, strains, twists, pulls, weight loss, exhaustion, problems with any of the equipment, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, loss or damage to property owned by me, and all other such risks, either known or unknown.
I/We hereby acknowledge my responsibility in communicating any physical and psychological concerns that might conflict with my participation in any treatment, activity or exercises. I/We also acknowledge that I am physically fit and mentally capable of performing the physical activity I choose to participate in. I/We understand the risks involved with the exercises and treatments that I/we am free to halt them at any time.
After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of my participation with URBAN BASE FITNESS and consenting to the services offered, I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE, INDEMNIFY, AND RELEASE the business URBAN BASE FITNESS or any of its officers, agents, employees, organizers, representatives, and successors, including ERIN WILSON, BENJAMIN MURCHIE, DECLAN CROOK, ASHLEE PEET, JACOB HILL, MATTHEW HUGG, BELLA CARLISLE, LAUREN FILIP and LUCAS BEAUTEMENT (hereafter collectively known as the RELEASEES), from any and all responsibility, liabilities, demands, or claims of any kind arising out of my participation in the URBAN BASE FITNESS workouts, training, exercises, group classes, treatments, gym equipment, programs, and/or events. I/We also accept the responsibility for the safety of any equipment and agree to not hold URBAN BASE FITNESS or RELEASES responsible for any wrongdoing or negligence regarding the equipment.
In addition, I/we also agree to hold harmless and indemnify URBAN BASE FITNESS and RELEASES from any and all claims that result from the negligence or actions from the other members or participants involved with URBAN BASE FITNESS. This includes, without limitation, any and all claims, torts, or actions, including intentional torts, omissions, or acts of negligence.
Any portion of this document deemed unlawful or unenforceable is severable and shall be stricken without any effect on the enforceability of the remaining provisions. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of Newcastle, NSW Australia, and any mediation, suit, or other proceeding must be filed in that jurisdiction, even if I/we are outside that jurisdiction.
By my signature, I/we indicate that I/we have read and understand this Liability Waiver, Indemnity, and Hold Harmless Agreement. I agree that I am over 18 years of age, am mentally competent, have the right to seek independent counsel, and I voluntarily agree to the terms above.